Episode 3: Be Your Authentic Self - Tom Mebert
Welcome to Episode 3 of the Urstoria Podcast. It's your story - tell it! Hosted by Jenn Wegrzyn.
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody but yourself - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight - and never stop fighting.”
Today Tom Mebert is joining us to share some stories on Being Authentic and how that helps him enjoy the journey - professional or otherwise. Tom has over a decade of first-line leadership experience and at LEAST a decade more than that of living "authentic". Tom's stories will entertain and, true to Tom's leadership style, he'll sneak in some deep insight when you're not looking. Our ability to tell our story and define who we are and why we do what we do can deepen our personal and professional connections. Tom does this masterfully with humor - it's what happens after the laughter that sticks with you.
So, sit back, relax and enjoy Tom's personal journey with us. Click here to gain access to Be Your Authentic Self.
If you are moved to tell a Leadership story of your own Click Here to leave your information.
Tom Mebert with SharkGirl at Canalside, Buffalo, NY